It all begins with an idea

  • Bookcases and shelving

    Making the most of the nooks in your home is a great way to increase the amount of storage you have. Plus it’s a great way to display the unique possessions that you have collected that are a reflection of you.

  • Desks and home offices

    A home office designed around your needs can make working from home both more pleasurable and more effective.

    “One space, one task is the key to optimising effective work habits from home” James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits.

  • Garden Projects

    A magical climbing frame, a signature piece of garden furniture, an outdoor kitchen, or something else. Give us a call to find out more about making your dream garden.

  • Heirloom tables

    For us, coming together to share a meal is the highlight of our day. We are a foodie family and we LOVE our food, but more than that, the act of sitting around our table to share stories about our day and enjoy a laugh brings us closer together. Our dining table is the focal point of many happy memories.

“These are the kinds of projects we undertake. However, there are other things we can make that aren’t shown on our website yet. So if you have an idea and you’re not sure if we can make it, please do contact us because chances are we may be able to translate your vision into reality”